Whole Body Vibration


High Rewards

Our Hypervibe Whole Body Vibration (WBV) is a low-impact approach to aid in increased strength, flexibility, metabolism and total body rejuvenation. In fact, it can aid in weight loss and cellulite reduction in just 10 minutes.

WBV training was used in the 1960s by the Russian space program to help cosmonauts recover more quickly from muscle atrophy. Since then, Olympic athletes have adapted WBV into their workouts and it has become a favorite tool for many trainers and doctors. Why? Here are just a few of the benefits of WBV:

  • Accelerated Weight Loss
  • Reduced Varicose Veins
  • Improved Muscle Strength
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Increased Energy
  • Enhanced Wellness
  • Improved Relaxation

In a whole-body vibration session, you stand or sit on our special WBV vibrating platform. As the machine vibrates, it transfers energy to your legs and torso, stimulating your muscles to contract and expand many times per second. The treatment is low-impact, but leaves you with a sensation of having exercised.

10-15 minutes of whole-body vibration two to three times each week can help you lose weight, burn fat, build strength and destress. WBV has proven to improve muscle strength like a regular workout does. In addition, WBV reduces the stress hormone, cortisol and stimulates the release of endorphins, causing you to feel relaxed and content.

Whole Body Vibration is entirely safe and has a highly positive effect on the body, similar to regular exercise.

Typically patients see the most benefit from Whole Body Vibration with 2-3 sessions per week on an ongoing basis.

We offer WBV as part of a holistic treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. We can help you establish and follow a treatment plan that will have you looking and feeling your best!