
Our Services
At the Mind & Body Family Health Center, we specialize in unique, natural, safe and effective ways to help manage wellness. We believe in treating the mind and body with a holistic approach to improve the quality of your life. We are extensively trained, and here to help you find solutions to better health and wellbeing.

At the Mind & Body Family Health Center, we specialize in Micro Current Neurofeedback or “MCN,” an emerging treatment designed to help the brain ‘reboot’ itself. MCN is increasingly used to treat mind-related issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD and PTSD and many other disorders.

Laser Lipo
Laser Lipo is a safe, non-invasive, and pain-free treatment that helps remove excess fat. We apply Laser Lipo as part of a holistic health approach that includes body and mind treatment, post-session exercise, and rehydration. When you choose Laser Lipo at Mind & Body Family Health Center, you will lose inches and feel better.

Brain Tap
BrainTap is a combination of five mind-impacting technologies including light frequencies, beats and tones, auriculotherapy, 10-cycle holographic music and guided visualization. BrainTap sessions are delivered through a special state-of-the-art headset that blocks out ambient inputs and enables you to focus on the treatment session.

Whole Body Vibration
In a whole-body vibration session, you stand or sit on our special WBV vibrating platform. As the machine vibrates, it transfers energy to your legs and torso, stimulating your muscles to contract and expand many times per second. The treatment is low-impact, but leaves you with a sensation of having exercised.